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The stories of the sunny ones

These stories do not begin with "Once upon a time..." but are stories of Sunbeams, born of DREAMS, COURAGE and DETERMINATION.

About us

WE DREAM, FIGHT, GUIDE the steps and stand by the disabled and their families.
They are our HEROES.


Volunteering means giving your time, energy and skills in exchange for experiences, new friends and personal growth.

Poveștile însoriților

Aceste povești nu încep cu „A fost odată ca niciodată …” ci sunt povești ale Razelor de Soare, născute din VISE, CURAJ și DETERMINARE.

Despre noi

VISĂM, LUPTĂM, GHIDĂM pașii și suntem alături de persoanele cu dizabilități și familiile acestora.
Ei sunt EROII noștri.


Să fii voluntar înseamnă să oferi din timpul, energia și abilitățile tale în schimbul acumulării de experiențe, prieteni noi și dezvoltare personală.
About us

Our main goal is to help

The “Sunshine” Association is a non-governmental organization operating in the town of Iernut, helping and supporting people with neuropsychological disabilities and their families. The organization also provides support to vulnerable families in the community.

Would you like to become a volunteer?

Would you like to be involved in activities that can make the world around you better? Are you excited to play an active part in your community? Nothing easier, choose volunteering!

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What we do

We help people who need:

Psychological support


Rehabilitation therapies

Material support

Information and counselling for parents


Specialized programs


Independent life skills are those technical and psychosocial skills, acquired up to automatism.


Socialization is the process by which we learn how to behave in society, learn socially accepted norms and rules, values and social roles.


Melotherapy is a form of non-verbal therapy that can be practiced at any age for personal development.

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Who helped us

Public & private funders